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Vendeur :CardealPage Co., Ltd.

6th Feb 2014

Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.

Thank you very much for just remind me what to say after a bit time since we communicate.
I thank again to receive my vehicle. Its ok, good, and is like what I saw in the web site.
But because now am out of my place I cannot take the picture with car. I will send it when am back.
Thank you very much am very happy with it.


Thank you very much for your message and updates.
We are very happy to hear that you received the car in good condition.
We hope it will make your family happy for a long time.
Please let us know if you need any other units in the future.
We will be waiting for your photos with the car.
Good Luck to you on the roads.


Vendeur :CardealPage Co., Ltd.

2nd Feb 2014

Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.

Thank you very much for your whole support and your team received well my car at a very good condition.
Trust me cardealpage is the best car deal website around the global doing open and fast shipment to my home country much appreciated looking forward for the future business with me I wel come you in tanzania Asante sana.

Thank you.

Thank you very much for your positive opinion and inviting to Tanzania.
We will definitely visit you soon.
The car looks happy to be with your family.
Please be constant visitor of our CardealPage and recommend to your friends.


Vendeur :CardealPage Co., Ltd.

8th Nov 2013

Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.

Dear Yunus
I received the vehicle on the 12th of February 2014 after it had arrived on 9th of February 2014. The vehicle looked better and different from the pictures on your web but it is the same vehicle. I had a wonderful drive from Tanzania to Zimbabwe which was 2600km journey. The engine sounds new and its power is excellent, the interior is spendid and fuel consumption was 1l to 10km.

Thank you very much for your feedback and positive news about your car.
We are confident that your car will serve you well for a long time.
Please send me photos with your car as we agreed.
We are desperately waiting for your photos and we hope to do more and more business with you.


Vendeur :CardealPage Co., Ltd.

4th Nov 2013

Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.

Dear Osada,
I received the car first week of this month. The car is in good condition.
Thank you very much for honoring your promise to deliver the vehicle without fail.
I look forward to doing business with you in future if opportunity arises.

Kind regards

I’d like to express my sincerest thanks for trusting my words when you made the payment for this PRADO. I understand that it took a huge leap of trust on your part to send a large sum of money to a company that you’ve never dealt with before.
Thank you so much once again, and we look forward hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Vendeur :CardealPage Co., Ltd.

1st Nov 2013

Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.

Hi Mr Osada,
I happy to inform you that we have received the vihicle today in good condition, thank you very much. The car is very and Mr Athanas, who is the buyer is very happy indeed.
Once again thanks a lot.


Thank you so much for your warm words about our service and our vehicle. We very much appreciate the effort you have made to get the picture to us, and it will help our future customers feel comfortable in knowing that we are a good, trustworthy and legitimate business. Please let me know if you need any more vehicles. We will make sure that you get a fantastic deal all over again.

Warm wishes,

Vendeur :CardealPage Co., Ltd.

8th Oct 2013

Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.

Hi Mr Osada,
I happy to inform you that we have received the vihicle today in good condition, thank you very much. The car is very and Mr Athanas, who is the buyer is very happy indeed.
Once again thanks a lot.


Thank you so much for your feedback Martin!
We are absolutely thrilled that you are very happy with your new Harrier. Please let us know if you need any more help from us. We will be delighted to hear back from you. Enjoy your drive in the meantime!


Vendeur :CardealPage Co., Ltd.

7th Oct 2013

Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.

Thank you very much for this Civilian. I bought it last year from you guys, and it is still working fine without any problems. I am still driving it myself, and I am very happy with it. I would be very happy to purchase from you again without hesitation

Thank you so much for your feedback! We are absolutely delighted that you were pleased with our service, and that your CIVILIAN continues to work without any problems to this day. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you. We would only be too happy to help.

Thank you again, and we look forward hearing again from you soon.


Vendeur :CardealPage Co., Ltd.

5th Aug 2013

Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.

A'alaykm warahmatullah wabarakat
How are you my friend,

Firstly: I am proud to do business with you and am so glad and i appriciate your business sir.
Secondly: I want to inform you that i have already receive one unit, it is very nice as i had expect, whatever it costs me because of the back chair that remove the meaning of van, and the other one could be received after a week.
Thirdly: I countinue to receive the phone from so many people addressed from you about your company, dont worry my friend i campain people to buy the cars from you because of your trust, and i plan to take a photo of i weared your T-shirt and send to you.
Lastly: i wish you a wounderfull day and nice job inshaallah.


Waaleykum Assalam Warahmatullohi Wabarakatu!

Dear Brother,
I am very happy to hear that you received your vehicle in very good condition.
We are proud of having a customer like you and I can tell you seriously that it was our luck to do business with you. I am very hopeful that inshaallah we will continue doing business with you and your friends in the future.
I want to thank you separately for your recommending our company CardealPage to the customers.

Good luck to you on the roads!

Sincerely Yours,

Vendeur :CardealPage Co., Ltd.

31st Jul 2013

Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.

Hi Yunus,
I am very sorry for late reply!
However, my vehicle is going on well !!
I would also like to inform my fellow importers of vehicles to use Cardeal page website because they pride a very good quality cars.
Not only that but also updating on every step from day of payment. No pressure about your money. By using cardeal page no need of paying car view charges as they are very trustful. I thank MR Yunus for the good vehicle he sold to me-I real enjoy it.

Best Regards

Thank you for your warm words about our company and our service.
We are glad to hear that you are happy with your car.
Now, we can consider our mission as completed.
Wishing you all the best on the roads and safe drive for a long-long time.
Please let us know if you or your family members - friends need any other unit.
We will do our best again!


Vendeur :CardealPage Co., Ltd.

5th Jun 2013

Customer who purchased a car from CardealPage Co., Ltd.

I acknowledge that I have received my car on time and in good condition.
I consider to be working with you in future and further recommend your company to other people interested in importing vehicles from Japan.

Best regards,

Thank you so much for taking time to take the picture and sending it to us. We are so grateful at CardealPage, and will make sure that you get a very competitive deal as well as a first-class service all over again should you wish to purchase another vehicle from us.
Thank you again for your custom as well as your picture, and we are very much looking forward to helping you with your next vehicle.

Warmest regards,

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