日本二手车CardealPage-主頁 > 我们首选的结算代理
When it comes to importing used vehicles from Japan, clearing agents' support becomes indispensable.
Our preferred clearing agents will support you for paperwork, customs clearance, local delivery and registration in your country.
For the customer in | 布隆迪 科摩罗 肯尼亚 马拉维 莫桑比克 刚果路 卢旺达 坦桑尼亚 乌干达 赞比亚 津巴布韦 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Bollore AFRICA LOGISTICS(Kenya) | +254-41-34-33-821 / 221-703 | tramom@transami.co.ke |
Euro Services Ltd | +255(0)22-2127439 | info@eurotz.net |
Diamond SHIPPING SERVICS LTD | +255-(0)757-407070 | chisanga@dssdar.com |
Malawi Cargo Center Limited (Lilongwe) | +265-(0)1-756-112 / 252 | lfnkumwenda@mcclmw.com |
SDV Malawi Ltd. (Blantyre) | +265-(0)1-871-555 / 824-515 | sdvmw@sdvmalawi.com |
SDV Malawi Ltd. (Lilongwe) | +265-(0)1-700-722 | sdvkia@sdvmalawi.com |
SDV Transami (Burundi) S.A. | +257-22-4849 / 3083 / 6140 | sdv.burundi@sdv-bu.com |
For the customer in | 博茨瓦纳 莱索托 马拉维 莫桑比克 纳米比亚 刚果路 圣海伦娜 斯威士兰 南非 赞比亚 津巴布韦 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
AVECS | +27-(0)31-2660859 | info@avecs.co.za |
Aviocean Freight Services (Pvt) Ltd. (Harare) | +263-4-749007 | cmanyepwa@aviocean.co.zw |
Dedicated Freight & Trading c.c | +27-(0)31-312-9097 / 9198/ 9137 | maxie@dedicatedfreight.co.za |
Desmonds CLF | +27-(0)31-3686783/4 | info@desmondsclf.com |
LOGAN FRIGHT LOGISTICS | +27-(0)31-465-7906 | logan@loganfreight.com |
Pelican Freight | +27-(0)31-3375247 | pelican@pelicanfreight.co.za |
SDV BOTSWANA (Pty) Ltd | +267-3951-961 | m.kwapa@sdv.co.bw |
For the customer in | 布隆迪 肯尼亚 刚果路 卢旺达 南苏丹 苏丹 坦桑尼亚 乌干达 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
ATACO Freight Services Ltd. | +256-(0)41-4257919 | didymusb.kato@ataco.co.ug |
ATLAS CARGO SYSTEMS LTD | +256-41-4345861 | administration@atlascargo.biz |
Bollore AFRICA LOGISTICS(Kenya) | +254-41-34-33-821 / 221-703 | tramom@transami.co.ke |
Flitlinks Internaional Ltd. | +256-(0)41-4347572 | flitlinks@infocom.co.ug |
Multilines Uganda Ltd. | +256-(0)41-253892 | multilines@utlonline.co.ug |
SDV Transintra Sudan Ltd (Mombasa) | +249-183-48-92-31 | sdvsudan@transintra.com |
African Line Terminal & Logistics Ltd. | +254727664080 / +254733888055 | info@altllkenya.com |
For the customer in | 莫桑比克 斯威士兰 津巴布韦 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
CARAVEL, LDA | +258-21-36-0320 | info@lbhmozambique.com |
Manica Freight Services (Moc) S.A | +258-21-356-556 | sales@manica.co.mz |
For the customer in | 马拉维 莫桑比克 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
SDV AMI MOZAMBIQUE (Nacala) | +258-6-526-088 / 526-089 | info@nacala.sdvami.co.mz |
For the customer in | 马拉维 莫桑比克 津巴布韦 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
SDV AMI MOZAMBIQUE (Beira) | +258-3-322-139 / 142 | info@beira.sdvami.co.mz |
For the customer in | 刚果路 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Agetraf s.a.r.l. | +243-98-88-84-47 | congo.shipping-mat@mat-ic.cd |
For the customer in | 南苏丹 苏丹 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
SDV Transintra Sudan Ltd (Port Sudan) | +249-311-82-20-54 / 83-11-42 | sdvsudan@transintra.com |
For the customer in | 澳大利亚 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
C&F Logistics | +61-(0)439-345-441 |
For the customer in | 斐济 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Williams & Gosling Ltd (Lautoka Branch) | +679-(0)-6664-093 |
For the customer in | 斐济 瑙鲁 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Campbellfs Customs Clearance Ltd | +679-(0)-3394-265 | campbcust@connect.com.fj |
Carpenters Shipping | +679-(0)-3312-244 | customsuva.shipping@carpenters.com.fj |
M.Y. Logistics Fiji Limited. | +679-(0)-3300-193/192 | |
Williams & Gosling Ltd (Suva-Head office) | +679-(0)-3312-633 | DaveA@wgfiji.com.fj |
For the customer in | 巴布亚新几内亚 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Inchcape Shipping Services (PNG) Ltd | +675-(0)321-2599 | Port.Moresby@iss-shipping.com.pg |
Carpenters Shipping Agency | +675 311 3644 / +675 302 4239 | carpentersshippingpom@carpenters.com.pg |
DEUGRO (PNG) LTD | +675 321 3122 |
For the customer in | 巴布亚新几内亚 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Inchcape Shipping Services (PNG) Ltd | +675-(0)472-4755 | Lae@iss-shipping.com.pg |
Ocean Freight Customs & Logistic Services Limited | +675-73621330 / 72946807 | mkobua_ofcls@datec.net.pg |
Carpenters Shipping Agency | +675 472 5755 | carpentersshippinglae@carpenters.com.pg |
For the customer in | 巴布亚新几内亚 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Inchcape Shipping Services (PNG) Ltd | +675-(0)983- 5882 | Kimbe@iss-shipping.com.pg |
For the customer in | 巴布亚新几内亚 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Inchcape Shipping Services (PNG) Ltd | +675-(0)982-2599 | Rabaul@iss-shipping.com.pg |
Carpenters Shipping Agency | +675 982 4242 | carpentersshippinglae@carpenters.com.pg |
For the customer in | 巴布亚新几内亚 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Inchcape Shipping Services (PNG) Ltd | +675-(0)856- 1056 | Wewak@iss-shipping.com.pg |
For the customer in | 巴布亚新几内亚 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Inchcape Shipping Services (PNG) Ltd | +675-(0)852- 3943 | Madang@iss-shipping.com.pg |
Carpenters Shipping Agency | +675 472 5755 | carpentersshippinglae@carpenters.com.pg |
For the customer in | 圭亚那 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Guyana National Shipping Corporation Ltd. | +592-226-1732/1435 | gnsc@guyana.net |
For the customer in | 苏里南 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Integra Marine & Freight Services (Paramaribo) | +597-402951/403922 | integra@integramar.com |
For the customer in | 特克斯和凯科斯群岛 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Associate Brokers & Consultants | (649)231-7471/332-9712 | associatebrokers@tciway.tc |
For the customer in | 爱尔兰 联合王国 |
公司名称 | TEL | |
Carpenters Shipping | +353-(0)1-842-5844 | |
MCC CUSTOMS BROkERS Ltd | +353-(0)1-836-3408 | |
Orient Express Customs Clearance Ltd | +353-(0)1-842-6144 | |
Paragon Trading KK Co., Ltd. | +353-(0)1-8400615 | colin@paragontrading.com |