CardealPage St. Lucia

Sua conexão japonesa
Pesquisar Veículo Japonês Usado
Pesquisar Veículo Japonês Usado
Pesquisa por Fabricante
Pesquisa por Tipo
- Sedan (7,369)
- Mini-Bus (10cad.+) (134)
- Sedan de 2 portas (2,809)
- Camião (6,680)
- 5 Portas Compacto (28,520)
- Carrinha (7,050)
- Carrinha Familiar (17,011)
- Camionete (216)
- SUV / Jeep (16,610)
- Maquinaria (0)
Melhor negócio for St. Lucia
Novidades for St. Lucia
Modelos populares para St. Lucia
Voz do Cliente from St. Lucia

Good morning, Ahsan,
Hoping all is well with you and your family.
My car arrived on September 8th and was unloaded on the 9th, and I picked it up on Thursday September 12th.
All is well with the Car.
I am truly grateful for your assistance.
Again I say many thanks.
Kind regards to you.
It was truly a pleasure doing business with you.

First car in Saint lucia
Thank you for your purchase!Please enjoy it!

Good day Sir,
Thank you for a lot of photos.
If such friends are looking for a car, please introduce us.
We are looking for a car with full force.
Also I would appreciate your favor if the opportunity arises.
Car Import Regulations and Duty
- Shipping Port : PT Castries
- Age restrictions : No age restrictions
- Roadworthiness Inspection : No inspection required
- All information above is subject to change without notification.
Please contact your local customs clearing agent and inquire for latest updates.